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Shapes of C major chord (CAGED system)

qrcode for - Shapes of C major chord (CAGED system)When we transpose each of the above basic CAGED chord shapes up and down the fret board, we get the following shapes of C major. Note that each chord shape plays only the three notes of the C major triad, viz C-E-G and with C as the bass note.

1. C major in the C major shape itself, which is C major in nut (open) position
Played as - x32010:
The shape of C major chord in the C major shape (root position) - CAGED system for guitar

2. C major in A major shape, i.e. C major in 3rd position,
Played as x35553:
The shape of C major chord in the A major shape (3rd position)- CAGED system for guitar

3. C major in G major shape, i.e. C major in 5th position,
Played as - x35553:
The shape of C major chord in the G major shape (5th position)- CAGED system for guitar

4. C major in E major shape, i.e. C major in 8th position,
Played as 8-10-10-9-8-8:
The shape of C major chord in the E major shape (8th position)- CAGED system for guitar

5. C major in D major shape, i.e. C major in 12th position,
Played as x-x-10-12-13-12:
The shape of C major chord in the D major shape (12th position)- CAGED system for guitar

And here is a map of the C notes on the fret board to help you understand how they all fit together (the red notes everywhere are C notes and the black ones are E or G):
Map of C notes on the fret board

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The CAGED System on a Guitar:

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Shapes of C major chord (CAGED system)

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BasicMusicTheory Tip:

Tune your guitar before you start playing.^Top^

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