These frets are numbered from nut (0) to 19, 22, etc – vide Fig. 1. These are also referred to as positions. The 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 12th(double dots on the 12th fret indicate the end of an octave for each string starting from nut), 15th, 17th, 19th, etc frets have either “dots” or polygons drawn or studded on. These are referred to as “inlays.” These are markings to help find the required positions. Each fret indicates a semitone variation with respect to the fret above and below (vide next chapter).
Electrics or hybrids have an output (jack port) through which a wire runs to the effects controller or the amplifier. They also have at least a volume control and a tone control knob placed on the face of the body. Some even have a “tremolo arm.”
Most guitars come with a strap to help carry it on the shoulders during standing performances.
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