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Grand Staves in Music Notation (Grand Staff of Eleven Lines)

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Grand Staves in Music Notation (Grand Staff of Eleven Lines)

The Grand Staff is formed when two staff lines are placed one above the other and held together by braces. It is commonly used in piano music. Both the lines are played at the same time. A pianist uses his right hand to play the upper, G-clef staff and the left hand to play the lower, F-clef staff.

This staff is also derived from the historically significant Grand Staff of Eleven Lines, like all other staffs. The middle line of the “Grand staff of eleven lines” is a C note – C4. This is called the middle C for its being the middle line of this staff. The “Grand Staff” incorporates middle C as a note on the line just below the lowest printed line of the upper G-clef staff, and as a note on the line just above the highest printed line of the lower F-clef staff. Thus middle C is incorporated in between the two sets of staff lines.

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Grand Staves in Music Notation (Grand Staff of Eleven Lines)

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BasicMusicTheory Tip:

Tune your guitar before you start playing.^Top^

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